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Players without a HUD who are registered in our database are considered Mystics in the Immortals system.  There is no cost at all to be a Mystic in this system.   Mystics have nearly all the options available to Mortals but differ in the following ways:

  1. No prompt when an Undead Immortal attempts to feed from you (you can still run away)
  2. Login to this website, select your Species and Elemental alignment and interact on the Forum
  3. Create and join Immortal Groups
  4. Interact with Vitae Gems
  5. Use Regeneration Stations

1. No prompt when an Undead Immortal attempts to feed from you

As a Mystic (registered player without a HUD) you are vulnerable to attempts of the Undead to feed upon your Vitae (life force, or for vampires, blood).  You will however still receive a 5 second warning in local chat if the Undead attempt to feed from you and you have the option of running away by moving more than 2m away from the Immortal who is attempting to feed from you

2. Login to this website, select your Species and Elemental alignment and interact on the Forum

As a registered player, even without a HUD, you can login to this website and set your Species and optionally your Elemental alignment within the system.  You can also read and post on the Immortals Forum.

3. Create and join Immortal Groups

An Immortal may invite you to join their Immortal Group by sending you an invite through this website.  You can then login and accept it using the “My Invites” link which will appear in the left hand sidebar once you are logged in.

You can also create your own Immortals Group for Mystics or Immortals to join.  Without a HUD, you will however be limited in what actions you can take as a Group Leader.  For more information, see Group Invite in the User Guide, or the sections on Group Creation or Group Leaders in the Reference Guide

4. Interact with Vitae Gems

Vitae Gems are a valuable part of the Immortals system, as they store Vitae which can be used to heal or resurrect another Mystic or Immortal.  Although Mystics cannot create their own Vitae Gems, they may receive them from an Immortal, or use a Vitae Gem which has been configured to be generally accessible or accessible to members of its SL ™ group.  For more information, see Vitae Gems in the User Guide or Reference Guide

5. Use Regeneration Stations

You will lose Vitae if you fill a Vitae Gem or if an Undead Immortal feeds from you.  If you choose to be Undead yourself, you will also lose Vitae on a nightly basis.  As a Mystic the only way you can obtain more Vitae other than using a Vitae Gem is to use one of the Regeneration Stations located in the Immortals Store.  For more information, see Regeneration Stations in the Reference Guide.

If you decide you would like to become a Mystic in the Immortals system, simply teleport to the Immortals Store and use the Awakening Crystal there to Awaken yourself as a Mystic.

Alternatively, to become a full Immortal, you can obtain the Empower Immortals HUD from the Immortals Store.

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