Login using the Login (e.g. John Resident) and Password obtained by clicking Register on your Immortals HUD.

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Name, Species or Group

Custom Species Naming

Every character has a species, which may be a hybrid of two other species.

It is displayed on the Info Display at the bottom of the right page of your HUD and is visible on the website and in-world.

You may specify a custom name for your species (or hybrid combination of two species) which will be displayed on your HUD in place of your actual species, and in front of your actual species (which will follow in parentheses) on this website and when others Assess you in-world.

Setting a custom species name is optional and can be done by clicking HERE or by clicking the Modify Character link in the left hand side bar.

As a new Immortal or Mystic you can alter these settings freely for the first five days.  After that you will only be able to make changes once every 48 hours.