Login using the Login (e.g. John Resident) and Password obtained by clicking Register on your Immortals HUD.

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Name, Species or Group


There are various aspects of the HUD and accessories which can be customised.  Click on one of the following to jump to the relevant section:


CastingFX appear when you initiate certain functions on the HUD.  These include:

  • Assess
  • GroupInv
  • Praise
  • Curse
  • Paralyse

The CastingFX for these functions can be customised as follows:

  • Click on the tab containing the spell whose CastingFX you wish to modify
  • Left click and hold the button for the spell you with to customise until you receive a message at the bottom of the HUD saying “Release to set custom CastingFX” then release the mouse button
  • The message at the bottom of the HUD will change to “Loading…” and after a few seconds, the bottom panel will display the casting FX
  • Modify the effects to your liking, as described above
  • Click the Preview button to see what your effects would look like if saved
  • Click the Save button to finalise and store your custom settings
  • Click the Defaults button to return to the default CastingFX specified for the HUD in Options->CastingFX
  • Click the Cancel button to discard any changes you have made and leave the spell’s settings as they were when you entered

The soul spells can also be customised, however instead of holding down the button for the soul spell, due to restrictions in the HUD, you must use one of the following commands:

  • /5 HUD FX LOAD FreeSoul- RP1
  • /5 HUD FX LOAD GiveSoul- RP1
  • /5 HUD FX LOAD GatherSoul- RP1
  • /5 HUD FX LOAD StealSoul- RP1

To restore the default settings of any of the above spells, copy/paste the following commands into a notecard named EmpowerCmds-DefaultFX and drop it onto the HUD:

HUD FX SET Assess OFF, Eerie2, OFF, ArmsRaised, 5, OFF, OFF, <Default>, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>, <Default>, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>
HUD FX SET GroupInv OFF, Eerie2, OFF, ArmsRaised, 5, OFF, OFF, <Default>, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>, <Default>, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>
HUD FX SET Praise- ON, Chorus, ON, ArmsRaised, 4, ON, ON, Emanate, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>, Rising, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>
HUD FX SET Curse- ON, DarkIncant, ON, RiseUp, 6, ON, ON, Glow2, <0.25,0,0>, <0,0,0>, Beam2, <0.25,0,0>, <0.25,0,0>
HUD FX SET FreeSoul- ON, Chorus, ON, ArmsRaised, 4, ON, ON, Emanate, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>, Beam3, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>
HUD FX SET GiveSoul- ON, DarkIncant, ON, SummonDk, 6, ON, ON, Flare2, <0,0,0>, <1,0,0>, None, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>
HUD FX SET GatherSoul- ON, DarkChant, ON, RHPoint, 4, ON, ON, Flame1, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>, Beam2, <0.5,0.5,0.5>, <0,0,0>
HUD FX SET StealSoul- ON, Ominous, ON, Hex, 4, ON, ON, Fountain, <1,0,0>, <0,0,0>, None, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>
HUD FX SET RPParalyse ON, Heartbeat, ON, BHDown, 4, ON, ON, Zap3, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>, Zap2, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>

Feed/Offer/Change FX

Note for vendors: If you decide to package your animations into FX for the Immortals HUD, please contact Blackdog Ashbourne for assistance and an updater object which you can use to package and sell your animations/FX in a way which allows Immortals to easily apply them to their HUD.

You can add additional FX for Feed/Offer/Change by placing any of the following commands in a notecard named EmpowerCmds-XXX (where XXX is whatever meaningful name you wish to give the notecard) and dragging it onto your HUD.  The commands in this notecard will be executed once and then deleted.  If you wish to have the commands available from the Settings menu (accessed by clicking the “Immortals” script on the left page of the HUD) then name your notecard EmpowerSettings-YYY-XXX where YYY is the top level menu name you wish your settings to appear under and XXX is the name within that menu.  If you wish to package and sell your custom FX, this approach may be more useful, as your customer will need to re-apply the changes after applying updates to their HUD.

HUD FeedFX NAME ShortAnim, EqualAnim, TallAnim, VictimAnim, Sound[:RepeatInterval], FeedSPart, FeedTPart

  • NAME is the name of your FX.  This will be presented in the menu of possible FX for use when you attempt to feed from someone
  • ShortAnim is the name of the animation which will be used when you attempt to feed from someone shorter than you
  • EqualAnim is the name of the animation which will be used when you attempt to feed from someone of roughly equal height to you
  • TallAnim is the name of the animation which will be used when you attempt to feed from someone taller than you
  • VictimAnim is the name of the animation which the victim being fed upon will perform
  • Sound is the name or key of the sound to be played whilst you feed.  Optionally suffix this with :RepeatInterval to have the sound repeated at the specified interval
  • FeedSPart is the Static Particle FX stored in the HUD which will be triggered when you start to feed (optional – may be omitted or specify None)
  • FeedTPart is the Target Particle FX stored in the HUD which will be triggered when you start to feed (optional – may be omitted or specify None)

HUD OfferFX NAME OfferAnim, ShortAnim, EqualAnim, TallAnim, Sound[:RepeatInterval], TurnAnim, TurnSound, TurnPart, TurnFXTime, SPart, TPart, PartTime

  • NAME is the name of your FX.  This will be presented in the menu of possible FX for use when you offer someone Vitae
  • OfferAnim is the animation you will play once the Offer is accepted and your target starts to drink.  It will last until the offer terminates
  • ShortAnim is the name of the animation which will be played by your target when you are shorter than them
  • EqualAnim is the name of the animation which will be played by your target when you are roughly the same height as them
  • TallAnim is the name of the animation which will be played by your target when you are taller than them
  • Sound is the name or key of the sound to be played during the offer.  Optionally suffix this with :RepeatInterval to have the sound repeated at the specified interval
  • TurnAnim is the animation which the target will play if accepting your Vitae resulted in them being turned (changing species)
  • TurnSound is the name or key of the sound which will play if accepting your Vitae resulted in your target being turned (changing species)
  • TurnPart is the name of the Particle FX stored in the HUD which will be triggered when accepting your Vitae resulted in your target being turned (changing species)
  • TurnFXTime is the number of seconds which the Turn animation, sound and particles last for
  • SPart is the Static Particle FX stored in the HUD which will be triggered during Offer
  • TPart is the Target Particle FX stored in the HUD which will be triggered during Offer
  • PartTime is the time the particle effects will last during Offer

HUD ChgFX NAME MoveToTarget, ChangerStartAnim, TargetStartAnim, ChangerEndAnim, TargetEndAnim, StartSound, EndSound, StartSPart, StartTPart, EndSPart, EndTPart, PostFXTime, ChangeObj

  • NAME is the name of your FX.  This will be presented in the menu of possible FX for use when you offer to Change someone to your Species
  • MoveToTarget is 0 or 1.  Set to 1 if the target should move to you in order to accept the change (e.g. Lycan changing) or 0 if they should stay where they are (e.g. Witch changing)
  • ChangerStartAnim is the animation you will play at the commencement of the Change
  • TargetStartAnim is the animation your target will play at the commencement of the Change
  • ChangerEndAnim is the animation you will play at the completion of the Change
  • TargetEndAnim is the animation your target will play at the completion of the Change
  • StartSound is the name or key of the sound you will play at the commencement of the Change
  • EndSound is the name or key of the sound you will play at the completion of the Change
  • StartSPart is the Static Particle FX stored in the HUD which will be triggered at the start of the Change
  • StartTPart is the Target Particle FX stored in the HUD which will be triggered at the start of the Change
  • EndSPart is the Static Particle FX stored in the HUD which will be triggered at the completion of the Change
  • EndTPart is the Target Particle FX stored in the HUD which will be triggered at the completion of the Change
  • PostFXTime is the time in seconds for the sounds/animations/particles to play at the completion of the Change
  • ChangeObj is an optional object to be rezzed at the completion of the Change (e.g. the moon that rezzes at the end of a Lycan change)

Any of the commands above can also be executed in a “one off” fashion by sending them in local chat on channel 5

e.g. “/5 HUD FeedFX NAME ShortAnim, EqualAnim, TallAnim, VictimAnim, Sound[:RepeatInterval]”

Note that the “NAME” above should *not* begin with “Dflt” as this is the prefix which the HUD uses for FX loaded from the database.  All FX with the Dflt prefix are cleared and reloaded from the database every time your HUD syncs to the database.  i.e. when you wear the HUD, use Vitae or click on the info display.  The HUD issues the following internal command to achieve this:

HUD ResetRPFX – Delete all RPFX whose name begins with Dflt (loaded from database)

If you wish to add additional animations to your HUD for use in your custom FX, you can add them as follows:

  • Type “/5 addobject”.  A blue “vortex” will appear
  • Drag the animations you wish to add to your HUD onto the vortex

Note that when you do this, there is a risk that you will disrupt the indexes the HUD uses to track animations.  You can reduce the likelihood of this happening by placing ZZ at the start of your animation names before dropping them on the HUD.  Otherwise you can reset the HUD’s indexes by restoring the default settings for the CastingFX as described at the end of the CastingFX section.

To delete a single FeedFX, OfferFX or ChgFX, specify its name with no other parameters


It is also possible to customise the Casting FX for the Feed, Offer, Release and Change commands (as opposed to the FX which the commands themselves utilise as described above) however this is not recommended.  FX for all these commands is off by default, as shown:

HUD FX SET Feed OFF, Eerie2, OFF, ArmsRaised, 5, OFF, OFF, <Default>, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>, <Default>, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>
HUD FX SET Offer OFF, Eerie2, OFF, ArmsRaised, 5, OFF, OFF, <Default>, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>, <Default>, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>
HUD FX SET Release OFF, Eerie2, OFF, ArmsRaised, 5, OFF, OFF, <Default>, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>, <Default>, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>
HUD FX SET Change OFF, Eerie2, OFF, ArmsRaised, 5, OFF, OFF, <Default>, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>, <Default>, <1,1,1>, <1,1,1>


You can add prims, as long as none of them have “Tooth”, “Fang” or “TouchPad” in their names (unless you want them to be subject to being retextured when you change tooth or fang textures) and you don’t change the root prim.


You can texture and colour the fangs manually by editing them as any other object/attachment.

You can move the internal teeth around to fit properly in your mouth, however if you move the two external fangs, you will need to do so with them in “Display” position (external to the mouth) and reset the script inside the fangs once you are done.  Please take a backup copy of your fangs when doing this and *NEVER* reset the script in the fangs unless they are in “Display” position.


Creating your own soul cages

You may copy the scripts held in the sample soul cage and place them in your own objects.  There are two scripts:

  • Immortals SoulCage Script – this script is no-mod/copy/transfer and handles the interactions with the server
  • Immortals SoulBottleFX Script – this script is full perm and you may use it to adjust the FX to be appropriate to your object

Customising the FX on your Vitae Gems

If you add a script named “VitaeGemFX” to the Vitae Gem, it will cease to generate its own FX and will instead perform an llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, -8654321, MSG, NULL_KEY) where MSG is one of the following:


Your VitaeGemFX script is then responsible for performing whatever FX you wish on receipt of each event.