Each Immortal has 4 abilities available to them. These are either Attacks, which impose damage on another, or positive abilities, which grant a temporary power to another.
You may select to have 4 attacks (a warrior), 4 positive abilities (a healer/cleric) or a mix of the two. To choose your attacks/abilities, click the “Login” button on the left page of the HUD (or Immort->[MORE]->Login on the Empower Magick HUD with Integrated Immortals module) to be taken to the website, where you will need to login and click the “Modify Character” link in the left sidebar to select your attacks/abilities.
As a new Immortal or Mystic you can alter these settings freely for the first five days. After that you will only be able to make changes once every 48 hour
Your selected attacks/abilities will appear on the top of the right page of the HUD and can be triggered by clicking the attack on the HUD or using traditional melee style key strokes, if the Melee checkbox is ticked:
- Attack 1: Left-click + cursor left
- Attack 2: Left-click + cursor right
- Attack 3: Left-click + cursor up
- Attack 4: Left-click + cursor down
- Check Aim: Left-click + page down (works even with Melee mode unticked)
For an attack/ability to be successful you must be within 2m of an Immortal, facing them and they must be wearing their Immortals HUD. If you are using the Empower Magick + Immortals integrated HUD, your HUD must also be set to Vitae mode.
The only exception to this is the AreaHeal ability, which does not need to be aimed and applies to all Immortals and Mystics within 10m of you.
An attack will do an amount of damage to the target and may have a cost (in Vitae) to you with the amount depending on species and level. An ability will perform a healing act or grant a specific power to another and may also have a cost and/or a cooldown. (See Attacks & Abilities in the reference guide for details).
When you defeat an opponent in Immortal Combat (i.e. using an Immortals Attack) if they hold your soul or any soul in your Immortals Group (Clan/Pack etc) those souls will be freed.
NEXT: Group Invite